Summer is winding down, and families across America are gearing up for the beginning of a new school year. Help your kids (or yourself) start the year off right by considering some of our healthy back-to-school tips.

Backpack Ergonomics

Although backpacks are practical, carrying around heavy books and supplies every day can cause discomfort and injury over time.

Be sure to do a quick backpack check:

  • Purchase a backpack that is the correct size and has compartments to help distribute the weight evenly. Packs with padded shoulder straps are a good choice as well.
  • Make sure to use both straps of the bag and adjust them so that there are no gaps between the straps and back.
  • If carrying multiple heavy books, opt to carry one or two in your arms to help redistribute the weight.

Desk Posture

Encourage your child to practice good posture when sitting in the classroom. Hunching over the desk for hours every day is sure to cause discomfort.

To sit at a desk correctly, they should:

  • Keep their feet flat on the floor and their back against the back of the chair.
  • Shoulders should be relaxed.
  • Any computer screens, tablets, or books should be kept at eye-level to avoid moving into a forward head posture, which will strain the neck. Consider purchasing a desktop bookstand to help prop the book up to eye-level.

Safely Return to Sports

Back-to-school also means back-to-sports for many kids. Remember that if your child was inactive in their sport for a couple of months, they might need to ease back into it. Always encourage them to warm-up beforehand, stretch afterward, and keep their workouts reasonable for their conditioning level and age. By being proactive in your child’s health, you can help prevent problems. If your child does experience back, neck, head, or joint pain this school year, please give us a call.